Monday, December 23, 2013

Early season recon

It seems like only yesterday we were fishing in board shorts and sandals. The smallies were rowdy and the pike were killers. Then the subtle change to Fall happened. Predator fish trolled the waters for victims, picking them off as they wished. Anadromous fish came to get their freak on providing lots of opportunities for amazing eats on swung flies and nymphs. Now Winter has come in vengeance.

Those who have been living in this area for years- say the weather is truly colder than normal for this time of the year. AWESOME!! As a Midwestern who transplanted to the West to ski full time and then returned to the Midwest, it is totally cool to have such good skiing already. The snow is light, dry and covers the world in a grand blank canvas; begging for new tracks to be laid down. Rivers are gurgling with ice they are still giving up some fish. Its great to be fishing deep and cold then look up to see people grinning as they ski down pristine white snow.

Throwing on pack and skinning to some of my favorite fishing places is so much fun. I am always amazed at returning to my favorite fishing holes in different seasons. It is like seeing it in a whole new light. The Winter shows you the places on the river that flow almost year round thereby providing the best fishing opportunities year round. So I am throwing on my pack and skinning to my favorite rivers; the best ones out West provide a nice descent to back to the car. Maybe I will throw my fishing stuff in the pack, maybe just some strong Irish coffee either way the crowds will be light and the scenery great.

On the approach to the Falls. It was brilliant crisp winter day. The crusty upper layer of snow made for a quick, easy skin but made for a horrible descent.
Through these trees is great swinging water. This was as close as I could get without waders- the numerous little streams around it where not frozen over yet. There is one that I am standing on to get this shoot praying that my skis spread my weight enough to keep my dry.

I skied down to my car through a different valley and never knew this was around- I will have to go back in the Summer. Many of the tribs in this area hold lots of brookies.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A new day and yet more new water.  The colors are in full effect, there was a nice little rain and I had the water to myself.  I have heard that when fishing new water that you know little about it is not uncommon to not catch fish 7 out of 10 days.  A little depressing but those 3 days make it worth it.  The other days you have to big deep find pleasure in the small stuff and be happy in any fish you land. 

I know there are steelhead in the water some even tease me but over all they schooled me.  Swinging small swinging high swinging big nymphing small nymphing big a recipe of school kid rhythms at only landed a single brown.  But it was so perfect.  The fish was where it should be and hit with the utter lack of restraint that only a small fish can. 

It aint a big fish most people would not even take a picture let along post it.  But I had to work for the fish and everything else was just perfect.  So here is my small friend and I look forward to seeing him later in life when he is all big and mean.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Its been an eventful few months.  Fall is coming to the UP there are have been a few nights in the 30s, chrome is turning up and the colors are changing.  Besides trying to find new places to Cast and Blast this fall I am also trying to find a new job.  The economy is a delightful thing haha.  In the next coming months I hope to have photos of new flies and new additions.  My GhettoSuperStar has been my go to baitfish fly lots of movement, flash and an 'eat me' attitude that is glaring.  Mistress Mayhem a flashy streamer for pike full of kick.  New colors and weights to my Rubber Legs Carp Candy. New color for my Copy Cat candy apple red total carp nip.

It was a fun day on the water today chancing pike on a river that is becoming my home waters.  There are many reasons why I like this river- its mediumish, pretty, quiet and full of life.  Baitfish scattered away from the raft.  But the best aspect of my home water is its ability to surprise- the fish cannot decide on size, species, what flies they prefer or presentation.  Its like fishing a new river everybody with much familiarity to it. 

Heading back to vice now a part time fly tyer without a real job needs to turn flies out.  Enjoy the coming of Fall- a friend of mine once called it an embarrassment of riches and I love being wealthy to enjoy this season.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Boundary Waters Part One

Few things compare to heading off on a fishing trip...old water, new water, exotic locales whatever- you are fishing not working. If it is a good trip you are out of cell coverage for a significant part of the time. The only signs of civilization are satellites that pass on a clear night sky. The Boundary Waters have been on my list for many years. From my Mum, it is the loons and their beautifully eiry  call. From my sister, blood sucking leeches, windy lakes and dirty portages. From my brother, tales of deep clear lakes with big smallies and ravenous pike.

It is blessed relief to finally load your gear into your fishing transport, in our case a canoe. No more worries about gear, food- if you do not have it you make due. The weeks leading up to the trip I was following the weather. I knew it might be cold- already in July there had been many days of really cold weather. If nothing else that means the ticks and the winged blood suckers should be down to a tolerable level. On this trip I was going with some new people which is great fun but you also think in the back of your mind- what if they are boring, complain about camp food or in our case since we were there to fish they decide they would rather read books than fish. Luckily for me my companions were awesome fun they took the bugs, the rain and everything in good stride. Camp fires were full of conversation sometimes beyond me but always interesting. Smiles all a round whenever a fish was brought to the boat.

Like any good outfitters everybody said the fishing was great- the water was up, it was cold, the moon would be full, they had made the necessary sacrifices to the fish gods. In case you are wondering the right sacrifice to guarantee a good fishing trip is to burn a copy of a how to guide on snagging trophy salmon on gravel beds on the PM.

A mandatory safety video before you went on the water harped on bear bags but finding a good one was tricky especially when trying to hang food for a bunch of guys for a week. I have heard stories about trees falling on tents during big winds. Want to know how to find the trees most likely to fall on your tent. Hang your food, go fishing, and listen from the boom- lesson number one for the trip.

it was great to finally get fishing that first night. Forget the fact that most were small they seemed eager so it seemed to bode well for the trip. Unfortunately they never grew in size but the numbers stayed true for the rest of the trip. For a few hours each day the fish turned on and we had fun. Which was good because the fish made was work for them. Casting sinking lines standing in canoe aint fun. Sink tips, big streamers, small streamers nothing sparked the big fellas to come out and play. I tried insulting the fish hoping to piss them off and that did not work. One day we decided to have a fish dinner. I am a dedicated catch and release guy for years but sometimes eating the fish you catch is terrific. Me eating the fish I catch is an event that happens about once a decade or if you believe my Mum as often as I clean my room. In a desperate tactic to find a better fly we cut their stomachs open. Each and every fish had empty sucks. This went on and on and occured again during our second meal. The only fish that had something in its belly was a hammerhead pike with a small little baitfish mostly digested.

The scenery in the Boundary Waters though more than makes up for it. Sometimes the fishing is really secondary to the whole overall experience. Something that I almost never say or really believe but in this case its God's honest truth. Everyday we were surrounded by loons. Night time was punctuated by their calls breaking the silence of the night. Beavers were plentiful. Swimming around throwing up huge wakes as they swim around. No matter how many times I hear it when beaver's slap their tails to warm their friends it is still great. Paddling around and hearing that slap especially close never gets old. One day the slap was so close we almost got wet. Though seeing an osprey wing past us with a large pike in its talons was cool it was also kind of stinging. Two playful otters pasted us one day I love those creatures. It reminded me of my favorite river in Montana where I regularly saw otters playing in currents.

More coming soon

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

No matter how much time you have before a trip there never seems to be enough time.  There always seems to be some last minute details that you have to take care of no matter how much planning you did in the previous months.  The easy decisions like food, clothing and tents are done quickly.  Ramon noodles and tuna are fine that is if you are warm and dry so you throw some more jackets and clothes into the dry bag.  Permits are bought people drop out and you find more to fill in.  The new people been flies and more equipment loaned to them so you throw in more gear into your pile.  You find out about some new stuff coming out of the gear shows so you run to your local store and throw your credit card.  Your pile grows.

You come home from work and stumble into your gear that at one time occupied a single corner now it seems to have transformed into a new floor.  So you throw some coffee on and work through it.  Cutting some stuff...are four rods really needed when you start thinking about the portages.  Do you really need all the flies you have packed.  Some fly shops have less but those stay along with multiple spare spools of leader and wire- then you throw in some heavy saltwater fluoro you hear that there have been musky landed.  Can you go to a lighter fork, you cut your toothbrush in half.  The weather in the Boundary Waters has been cold and rainy a nice tarp to cover the camping area might be nice.  Lowes only has tarps the size of your apartment at least you will be dry. 

This process does not stop until the boats are in the water.  I have repacked about 3 times for this trip to the Boundary Waters.  I have always wanted to head to the Boundary Waters.  The fishing should be good the water is high I hear that is good.  I will not the working for a time that is even better.  No more tying for a time which is good news for my chair- that chair and I have become best friends in the last few weeks.  Looking forward to big fish, great company, isolation, no sirens and clear skies.  I think that I am dialed in with all my stuff.  I think.  Maybe what sleeping bag should I bring?!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I have found a new fishing partner in the birds of the UP.  Some rivers its osprey, eagles, cranes, and many other smaller song birds that I don't know the name of.   Its fun watching the birds when the fishing is slow.  I have never really been interested in learning about birds if you cannot eat them.  But with so many fishing with me on the rivers I have a new interest.  Now many wading pack is full of flies and a book on birds.  Looking at what I can fit into my pack I wonder what happened.  In my mind I remember wading packs being a great alternative to vests because packs are not so hot, only hold the essentials and seemed to keep your gear more organized.  Every time I unpack though I think that I carry more crap that I ever did with a vest.  It still sits better than a vest, is not as hot and I seem  to find stuff easier but really do I need all this stuff. 

The other night I was happy I had way to much gear in my pack.  It is so nice to have a great fishing river less than 15 minutes from my apartment.  I always though that Basalt was the best town around- right at the confluence of the Frying Pan and the Roaring Fork.  Awesome trout fishing but no smallies or steelhead.  Now I vote Marquette as one of the great fishing towns. 

Fishing was good- trout had their feed bags on.  Soft hackles, winged wets and dries all fooled them.  I was fishing a new section of the river- I drove until the dirt road was really crappy then drove more and did not enter the river until the trail I was following dwindled down to nothing.  The woods were super thick, steep hills and banks and nobody else but me the birds and mosquitos.  Everybody is saying that this is the worst year in remembering for these little terrors.  I believe them if it was not for my Buff and Deet buried in the corner of my pack they might have pushed me off the river or carried me away to fest on me.  Guess I do need all my stuff in my pack.

But the fishing was great.  Trout were feeding and I landed a really large smallie- on a floppy 5 weight in a fast river it was fun.  The hike out was hellish.  I pulled ticks off me as mosquitos fested, branches caught my rod, banks gave out and the night became black under the trees even though it was a clear full moon.  Finding my headlamp in another corner of my pack was a great find.  Even though it brought more blood sucking killers to me I could at least see where I was going.  A shower has never felt so good and I realized how much fun it was.  The conditions kept even the most dedicated person out- I was asked where I caught the smallie....I have asked this question before and been asked it before (never accepting the truth).  Here is where I caught this hog- when there is no snow on the ground follow mountain biking trails in the winter its skiers climb on few ridges and you are there when you see no other signs of people.  I figure if I see you fishing there you are a person worth meeting and will know to keep your mouth shut.  Hope to see ya tonight. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Surprise, Surprise, Surprise, Surprise

The Upper Peninsula of Michigan has been called God’s Country- it is full of wonderful sights, sounds, fishing, hiking….the list is endless.  I am lucky enough to have a real job and fly tying which allows me more time than should be legal to fish.  This past week I chased brookies on an isolated stream, paddled around a backcountry lake and had a great surprise on a project smallie stream of mine.

Fishing the same stream is great- you get to learn its intricacies, it is like coming home and gives you a nice little comfortable feeling.  You know where the fish are, the workable patterns and great spots to ponder all things in life Ralph Waldo Emerson style.

But like all great fishing streams it throws you a loop sometimes.  The first time I fished this stream- it was full of small bass, another time a few epic sized fish and the this time….PIKE.  It was great day most the fish were not huge but they were hungry.  Crushing flies when you placed a fly in the fish’s backyard.  These fish wanted to kill, maim, and conquer the world.  Even releasing them proved problematic for those gentlemen who were not wearing a cup.  If fishing was predictable it would be boring and really not worth it.  I found myself laughing like a kid- it was like when I was young and skipping stones for hours was tremendous fun.   The fish in your back yard sometimes can be as great as those new sexy ones in exotic locales and it is much cheaper. 

As a fly tier I am always trying new patterns.  On a total whim I tied some flies what I would call guide patterns- cheap and super quick to tie.  I have been fishing them for years but have not been recently opting for instead using newer ones.  Flies are like….well they are like friends I guess insert whatever you can think of that is better my ability to articulate like a real author has failed me.  But it is great to have flies that work for many years and in lots of conditions.  Do not forget about them- there is a reason some flies have been selling for decades. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Today, I finally got the chance to fish an upper part of river that I have been eyeing for years.  My brother in law and I planned on a later float- hopefully hitting the prime reaches, at dusk when the big fellas come out to play.  We had to go today to miss the cold, rainy forecast for the next few days.  Up here- in God’s Country summer keeps teasing us.  The water turned out to be nothing like I thought but so much better.  Two different juvenile bald eagles acted as our escort for much of the time- the first bailing when I would assume, we entered the territory of another far bigger juvenile eagle.   The silence was startled only by grouse, kingfishers and a huge commotion that we could only assume was a moose.  I suppose it could have been a deer lost in the marshy goodness but it is prime moose territory and considering the tight quarters we were really hoping it was not a bear. 
Most people are still chasing trout- with stellar results on brook trout from what I hear.  We decided to load up for smallies and pike.  This water is epic- lots of fish holding water.  We banged the banks, fished midstream holes….it turned out to be good casting practice.  The river is loaded with timber which made standing while casting in canoe interesting to say the least.  Many people would be discouraged by our lack of success but I got more excited.  I have been looking for a river to be a project for the summer and I have finally found it.  Many return trips are going to be in the works.  Lucky for us my brother in law has a tiny bladder and we had to pull over for him to put some needed water into the stream.  My new set up is all A’s and it finally got a chance to dance. 
Before I keep going I know these stories about the fish that got away.  And people always say it is for real and most times you just shake your head at another good fish story.  BUT BUT I did lose the biggest smallie I have ever seen on the end of my rod- I fish that will haunt me for years.  We decided not to bring a net and as I dropped to lip the fish….she turned tail and laughed.  My hands shook for a long time after that.  Tying on new flies and casting proved to be daunting since my hands were shaking and my eyes focused like I had been hitting the whiskey like a good Irishman.   Exploring new water is so much fun.  Every turn was new; every side channel into the lily pads, every ox bow was a hidden jewel.  I felt like Lewis and Clark and if was not for the occasional signs of humans- I would have believed. I cannot wait to return and get this water dialed in.  This trip has renewed my spirit for exploration.  New water, new adventures….hopefully next time I will play the fish right with a grip and grin at the end.  Because no matter what fishermen say landing fish is still an important part any fishing trip.  Photos coming soon… 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Like any other fisherman I love to catch fish.  But exploring new water is definitely a close second.  Today I spent the day exploring some new brook trout water.  I vaguely knew of some marshy beaver dam goodness and since I had some time I decided to start my summer fishing plan early.  My plan for the summer or from now on- is to fish 2 new areas each month.

Brookies stayed true to form- they love big dries and wet flies as droppers.  This new area I am gonna call Dam N' Mud proved to be jewel.  The stream runs right through an area that is often frequented by bird watchers.  There is a good chance of seeing eagles, ospreys and 20 different song birds if the park service handouts are right.  The best part of this little adventure was there was not another soul in sight- a far cry from the rivers people read about in magazines.

As I moved downstream the holes got deeper and deeper- a few miles into the river....CHROME...CHROME.  Steelhead were stacked up holes.  The UP is full of fish and no matter how many new areas I have been it never ceases to amaze me.  I got to spend a great afternoon chasing brookies and watching steelhead.  Rarely do I ever get the chance just to watch steelhead and since I was only armed with a 3 weight and my steelhead rod was miles away I had no choice.

The weekend should be dandy- I look forward to going back and seeing if the steelhead are hungry.  It was great to see these fish in an area I never thought they would be.  Having comfy home waters is great but the allure of new water and new fish is a super powerful draw.  Grab an atlas find those little blue lines and find something new.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

There are monsters that live among us.  Might be old news for those of you who troll the internet more than I do.  A monster carp was landed in France ( I cannot imagine seeing this fish tailing in skinny water.  Beaver Island does not have anything on this fish.  They say that this fish is easily fooled if money was grew on trees I would be booking a trip to France. A monster fish no matter how you would be even better on the fly.

The day has finally arrived- tomorrow after delivering flies to a friend in Ohio and Mike Schultz in Ann Arbor I will continue on to the UP.  I am so excited to finally have not only a job in the UP but a job that I truly want.  It will be a grand adventure- I get two Springs, one more Spring steelhead run, pre spawn smallies, Northern Lights and the prefect Yooper air.  Packing all my tying materials proved to be daunting- I hope not to do this any time soon.  Thank you to everybody who was supported me with fly orders it is much appreciated it is dream job.  Later....a little sleepy time before I bounce to the UP and endless fishing opportunities.

Friday, April 26, 2013

My brother in law providing me with a nice home cooked meal and tons of feathers- aint family great.

Copy Cat and Rubber Legged Carp Candy flies are now at Schultz outfitters.  Mike is one of the best in the warm water game- support your local shops.

Monday, April 22, 2013

I took a break from tying for a few days to go fish for PA brookies.  Now I havent fished for trout for many years- most of my gear was covered in dust, my boxes empty and my idea of a light rod most days is a 6 weight.  But I was excited and my little 3 weight was happy to see the sun after some many years.  Brookies are more fun and far prettier than I remembered.  Maybe absence has caused my heart to grow fonder but I just think warm water fish are crafty and have pulled the wool over my eyes.  Because we all know no matter how hard they pull, how big they are or smart- carp are crazy ugly even their mothers dont think they are pretty.  We had sunshine, rain, snow, lots of fish, plenty of fun and I got reintroduced to a fish that I have been neglected for to many years.  These conditions are the prefect ushers for my new home in the UP right now- the Lake is frozen (that is Superior for those not in the know), inlands lakes frozen, rivers that are super high.  Now its back to the vice- on the list carp boxes, bass flies and sexy gaudy flies for AK

Monday, April 15, 2013 is a great resource for all things spey fishing and bonefishing from some of the best people in the business.  Applying flats style knowledge to carp fishing can really increase the numbers of fish that you land.  Carp are super smart with faces only a mother could love.  This is a great article from a while ago and I have been employing many of these tricks for years  One more reason to rub sand on the fly is to help it sink faster- flies that use materials with bunny or marabou can actually float for a time until the materials are soaked through.  By the time this happens you might have missed your chance.

Many people focus on the cast with carp- more concentrated about 70 foot casts than the approach, fly selection among many factors.  I have caught more fish less than 10 feet away than 70 feet away.  I have spooked more fish with they are 50 plus feet away with a stumble or peeling the line off my reel or missed my chance because the fly didn't get down in time.

Preparation starts the day before with making sure you have everything to fish the next day and ends when you land the fish.  By blending a thorough understanding of different fishing styles and a dash of your own you are able to greatly increase your chances of landing more fish especially when fishing in new areas or different species of fish.  Carp on!!!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

For a long time now I have been trying to get a job in the UP.  The fishing is great, my Dad is a Yooper and I have been visiting it since I was a kid- it seemed like the natural place for me.  I am super excited to say I finally got the job that I wanted.  Starting next month I will be moving up...enjoying another winter and spring. Reports are that many of the inland lakes still have up to 3 feet of ice of them.  I am eager to complete my testing on a few patterns that I have been working now.  Species specific- bass, pike and musky.  There are few places where you can chase monster smallies, pike, carp, steelhead, salmon, lake run browns the list doesn't seem to end that are as exciting to live as the UP.

Packing, tying and a short trip to PA will be filling my time until I leave.  Thank you to all of you that have placed orders- I have locked myself to my tying desk to get all your flies shipped before I leave.  Any orders received after April 16th will not be started the second week of next month.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

It is a busy time of the year- Michigan smallies open the end of the month, carp fishing is heating up and for the gear guys the walleye run on the Maumee River is doing well.  Right now I am buried in tying materials and misplaced hooks on the floor.  It is amazing how deep hooks can embed in your foot when you step on them haha.  Im hoping to have some fish porn posted soon.  Get out on the rivers they are fishing well.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Totally excited to add a new pattern that will be available later in the Spring.  The Lunatic is a great streamer in four colors- brown trout and smallies gobble it up.

Monday, March 25, 2013

As a kid I heard great stories about pike being caught in the early spring just after the ice melts.  Since we have had no ice to speak of the past few years- my search has started earlier and earlier.  Often I spend these searches on pretty little rivers with iced up guides and none of the huge fish that filled my dreams.  Yes, there have been fish but like any good fisherman the next fish has to be bigger and the next day speaks of unheard gluttony.  My boxes are filled, rod rigged tomorrow is going to be grand.  If my ideas for bigger better fish come true tomorrow then this summer is going to be killer for carp.  I came across a photo of one of my favorite carp flats.  Should keep all us carp lovers going until the water warms.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

There are many schools of thought in fly fishing- dry flies only, swinging for steelhead, chuck n duck, Czech nymphing….Fly Fishing for gar is not on anybody’s list.  In fact, I recently saw gar on a list of chosen species just above suckers and not fishing at all.  And I would agree.  But sometimes during the dog day’s of Summer I want to catch a dinosaur.  It is the one chance I have to tangle with something prehistoric without the need for a gun, a boat, an alligator and a trip to the ER.  Everything about them is cool- their eyes, mouth, markings and breathing above water making them a brutal Marco Polo opponent.  So, as I tie an order for my favorite gar fly (yes I have a favorite gar pattern- bring on the cool fishermen and tyers giving me crap) I have to smile.  There is somebody else out there wanting to get in touch with their inner kid.  So go all caveman and wrestle with a dinosaur.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Allen Fly Fishing- the ABOO1 Fly Box Review

Like most fly fishermen I am a recovering gear addict.   I don’t know how many Ramen meals I had to eat after I bought my first small stream outfit- doesn’t really matter the rod is sublime to cast.  Recently my new switch rod and reel have had me tying late into most nights.  The first day I swung a streamer through a tail out suddenly I was wide awake. 

So when I saw the extreme affordability of Allen Fly Fishing ( I knew I had to try some of their products.   Streamer boxes are pricy- buying enough of them to carry a season’s worth of flies super expensive.  Allen has a numerous fly boxes, each box with pages of 5 star recommendations.  I was most interested in their streamer boxes (7.75” x 4.75” x 1.75”) the ABOO1 for $9.50.  Other companies sell similar boxes for 2-4 times the price. 

The hinges are extremely strong, being more than a little height impaired my boxes get dunked a lot- the ABOO1 keeps my flies dry and the slits in the foam keeps them upright.  While I think that size 4- 10 flies are the best sizes I have gone much smaller/larger and the foam worked awesome.  The AB001 is also plenty deep enough for large poppers for those hungry summer smallies.

So save money buy Allen’s fly boxes, eat canned tuna and peanut butter for the next year to go to Belize.           You will be pleasantly surprised at the extreme value for such a small price tag.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Getting ready for toothy critters- here is an order of R&D patterns heading to Michigan.  Hopefully some bent over rods are coming in the future.
I am close to being done with all these patterns.  But in order to get them dialed in faster I will be offering them at a discounted rate until April 2.  Send me an email and I will send you two patterns.  The more feedback and or photos that each customer sends me the more deals that person will get.  I am really looking forward to getting these patterns wet in new waters with new friends.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Kala Kala Fly Fishing Co was officially started a short time ago but in reality it started when I was kid listening to my Grandparents arguing who was the better fisherman.  My Grandma a petite lady who could never swim but still would go out in the nastiest conditions Lake Superior could dish out, in the smallest boat.  Much to my Grandpa's dismay I am sure that my Grandma out fished him in both numbers and size- she kept our table full of lake trout and my Grandpa kept us laughing.  They might have been gear people and fly fishing might be the sport of dandies but I think they would be happy that their love of fishing was passed on to me.  

Fly tying seemed to be a natural progression of fly fishing.  Commercial flies are great, often pretty cheap but it lacked a certain appeal at times for me.  It is very satisfying to fool fish on patterns you have tied even better patterns that you have put some effort into the design.  Some of my patterns are species specific like the Rubber Legs Carp Candy other patterns come with me almost every time I am on the water like the Audacity or Copy Cat.  

I hope you have as much success on the water with my patterns as I have.  Warm fishing is just around the corner.  Walleye will be running soon to fill my time until the real prizes of bass, carp and pike come available.  Until then fill your boxes, join the cool kids and swing for chrome.  

New patterns for walleye, carp and pike will be coming soon.