Its been an eventful few months. Fall is coming to the UP there are have been a few nights in the 30s, chrome is turning up and the colors are changing. Besides trying to find new places to Cast and Blast this fall I am also trying to find a new job. The economy is a delightful thing haha. In the next coming months I hope to have photos of new flies and new additions. My GhettoSuperStar has been my go to baitfish fly lots of movement, flash and an 'eat me' attitude that is glaring. Mistress Mayhem a flashy streamer for pike full of kick. New colors and weights to my Rubber Legs Carp Candy. New color for my Copy Cat candy apple red total carp nip.
It was a fun day on the water today chancing pike on a river that is becoming my home waters. There are many reasons why I like this river- its mediumish, pretty, quiet and full of life. Baitfish scattered away from the raft. But the best aspect of my home water is its ability to surprise- the fish cannot decide on size, species, what flies they prefer or presentation. Its like fishing a new river everybody with much familiarity to it.
Heading back to vice now a part time fly tyer without a real job needs to turn flies out. Enjoy the coming of Fall- a friend of mine once called it an embarrassment of riches and I love being wealthy to enjoy this season.